This was my first Mother's Day with Brinley. What a cute, sweet girl. My only sadness was that we left Bentley home with Grandma and Grandpa Fischer while we went on a trip to Boston. I mostly missed him on Mother's Day.

Our first night in Boston Aaron surprised me and took me to a Bed and Breakfast in Marblehead for our anniversary. It was our big number 5! It was such a fun, beautiful place.

This was the ocean view around Marblehead. We just wished we had more time to spend there, but we had to head back to the city.

We went to a Lilac park with Angela. It was really pretty and smelled even better.

We thought it was so funny to walk through Boston Common and see a banjo group playing music and dancing with a cow. They were promoting people to drink raw milk.

This is a tribute to my mom who [used to] buy and drink raw milk.

Here's a great picture of the city (minus being sideways).

This is a cemetery where famous people are buried. Aaron's sister was our tour guide and her famous saying to most places was, "This is very old and famous" yeah, we didn't get very many details of the places we went to, but it was still fun.

We went on a fun boat ride with Angela.

A beautiful view of the city behind us.

This was the first church in Boston. Every family had their own assigned, closed-in pew. Where is such a thing now-a-days? It would be much easier to keep the kids contained!

We went to a Red Sox game with Aaron's sister Angela and her friend Bryan. Brinley got a lot of attention at the game. I think people were surprised we brought such a little baby out on a cold, late night. Ehh, she survived.

After the game we went to a French restaurant where we ate good cheese and excellent desserts.

This is one of the desserts we got. It came with its own chocolate leaning tower!

Before we left, we were able to visit the Boston Temple. It was so awesome to see such a difference between a busy, loud city and then go inside such a peaceful, clean, quiet place. A good end to a fun trip.