We went to Arkansas for my cousin, Grace's wedding. We then stayed through Thanksgiving because my Aunt Mardie and all of her kids and their families live out in Arkansas. It was so fun to see all of them again. I'm so sad that I don't have any pictures besides my cousin Joe's family. I think sometimes I get so excited on vacation and in the moment that I forget to take pictures!

While we were in Memphis, we thought we should definitely go see Graceland. When we got there, parking was $10 and each ticket to get in was $35. (That was the minimal tour too!). Since we didn't plan on down payments for this event, we just took a picture in front of the sign and called it good.

There's a hotel called The Peabody Hotel in Little Rock that has a parade of ducks in the hotel. In the morning they march the ducks down the elevator and across a red carpet, into a fountain, where they stay the remainder of the day until they are marched back up into their dens for the evening. It was so fun and Bentley LOVED it!

We also went on a walk across the "Big Dam Bridge" with my cousin Sam. It was a HUGE bridge and so windy once we got on top.

This was Bentley's buddy, Ruby, during the trip. It's my cousin Joe's little girl. SO cute.

After Thanksgiving we went to a park with Joe's family and Sam. Yeah, I don't know why I didn't take picture at Thanksgiving.